Earwig Extermination Services in Colorado

Earwigs are nuisance bugs that do not carry disease. They tend to congregate in damp places, such as a newspaper left outside overnight. They are easily prevented but can grow in number relatively quickly. Your Colorado Pest Pro exterminator can help rid your home of an infestation.

How to Control Earwigs

Earwigs can be kept under control through the elimination of areas outside the home where they would be most likely to hide out. This includes areas where debris gathers. Keeping debris away from entryways is the best way to avoid an infestation.

The Earwig Extermination 3-Step Process

  1. Identification of species. Once the pest professional has confirmed the presence of earwigs, they will know the best way to treat your infestation.
  2. Evaluation of the infestation. The pest professional will find the nests and evaluate home factors such as pets and children to determine the safest manner of extermination.
  3. Treatment. Once all the factors are evaluated, appropriate treatment will be applied.

Earwigs: Did You Know?

  • It used to be thought that earwigs would climb in your ears as you slept. This has been proven to be untrue. These pests cannot physically harm you.
  • Earwigs will go anywhere that they can find, either indoors or out, where there is a damp place for them to hide. They tend to congregate in relatively large numbers.
  • Although they are considered to be a pest, they can be useful in the garden as they feed on other smaller pests and bugs, such as ants and aphids. Unfortunately, they also like to feed on leaves.
  • Even though their pincers are quite intimidating and they look like they could hurt you, they are not dangerous to humans in any way. The pincers on the males are longer and more rounded than those on the female.
  • Earwigs are winged insects, but you rarely see them fly. They mostly will fly at night when they are most active.

There is only one species present in Colorado. The European earwig was first introduced to the United States in 1907 and was first found to be present in Colorado in the 1950s. They are now found throughout the United States.

Earwigs undergo quite a metamorphosis. In their larva stage, they resemble worms. They then go into a pupa stage before emerging as the adult.

Earwigs are easily identified by the pincers on their heads. They are silver-gray in color and are usually found around potted plants, under doormats, and in other areas that are damp.

Earwigs are most active at night however they are drawn to light. They are fast moving insects who feed on plants, aphids, and other smaller garden pests.