Fly Extermination Services in Colorado

Flies are annoying. There are several different types that serve to annoy us, such as drain flies, cluster flies, the tiny fruit flies, and the common house fly. Even mosquitos are a species of fly. If you have a fly infestation, your Colorado Pest Pro exterminator can help you rid the home of these pests.

How to Control Ants

The main way to control flies is to keep your home clean, make sure that your doors and windows close tightly, and to not keep large quantities of trash around. If you have a bowl of fruit that is starting to go bad, fruit flies will quickly appear so make sure you get rid of that fruit before it brings the fruit flies to your kitchen.

Mosquitos breed in standing water that is unclean. They are the most dangerous as they can carry disease quite easily between a human they bite and a rabid animal.

The Fly Extermination 3-Step Process

  1. Identification of species. Once the pest professional has identified the species, they will know the best way to treat your infestation.
  2. Evaluation of the infestation. The pest professional will find the nests, and evaluate home factors such as pets and children to determine the safest manner of extermination.
  3. Treatment. Once all the factors are evaluated, appropriate treatment will be applied.

Flies: Did You Know?

  • Flies are the most dangerous spreaders of disease because they have to land frequently. Every time that they land, they deposit the bacteria found every other place that they can land. This is particularly true of mosquitos because they are biting insects.
  • There are actually approximately 16,000 species of fly found in North America alone. They range in size from the tiniest gnat to a breed found in Africa that is the size of the human hand.
  • By reducing what draws flies in the first place, ie, decomposing fruit, dead rodents, animal excrement, and screening them from entering the home, you can reduce the danger of infestation in the home.
  • One of the most successful and still common modes of trapping flies is in the form of flypaper. It is coated with a sweet adhesive that draws them to it and captures them. The more they fight, the more attached to the flypaper they become.
  • There are even some varieties of plants that feed on flies. The Venus flytrap is the most popular of these.

There are literally thousands of different species of fly. The ones that you will most commonly encounter are houseflies, fruit flies, gnats, and mosquitos.

 Flies, thankfully, have a very short lifespan. Once the eggs are laid, they are capable of hatching within 24 hours. They remain in the larva stage, when they are called maggots, for five days before becoming pupa from which they emerge as fully-grown adults. The average lifespan of a fly is 30 days, although there is one breed with a lifespan of less than one day.

Flies are easily identified by their two wings, buzzing sound, and landing frequently. The length of time that they can remain in the air is limited by only having two wings.

Flies are drawn to decomposition and excrement. They fly short distances and land frequently. They lay eggs that are capable of hatching within a day. They grow and reproduce more rapidly during warm weather, and breed quickly and often.