Enjoy a Pest-Free Home This Winter With These Tips

Many homeowners don’t realize that infestations can happen at any time, and that includes the cold winter months. A wide variety of local rodents and bugs will be looking for shelter when the outdoor temperatures drop, and that is going to make your home very appealing. Within a matter of days, you could find yourself struggling with a huge colony or nest that makes your home feel as if it is completely unlivable. That is why you should spend a little bit of time getting your home and property ready for winter pest control.

Start Early On

You might not even think about winter pest control until you notice the signs of an infestation, and that can lead to some serious issues. While every home is slightly different, most families will want to begin winterizing their homes at least a few weeks before the first winter storm. Dealing with pests after they have already taken over a home can be frustrating, and most experts agree that homeowners need to winterize their homes well before the weather becomes too cold. Starting early will also give you and your pest control company plenty of time to identify and address potential problems.

Take Care of Your Yards

It is an unfortunate fact that a homeowner’s yard could be one of the key reasons why they have so many problems with pests. When there are piles of clutter in a yard, some rodents or insects might use those areas to create nests and colonies. Once every few weeks, you should spend a little bit of time removing toys, tools, and piles of leaves from your yard. If you use firewood to heat your home or cook food, then you should make sure that the wood is stacked at least 30 feet from the exterior walls of your home and any other structures on your property.

Potential Issues in the Garage

Not winterizing the garage is a very common mistake, and it can lead to some major pest problems when the weather cools off. Focusing on the living areas within your home is going to be vital, but your garage could have multiple entry points as well. Many families also leave pet food and non-perishables in their garages, and that food is going to be very appealing to pests. In addition to removing or sealing up any edible products that are stored in your garage, you should also seal up all cracks and holes around vents, doors, plumbing lines, and outlets.

Sealing Up Other Entry Points

Even if you have a relatively new home, there could still be dozens of small openings that pests can squeeze through. When the seasons change and humidity levels fluctuate, openings could begin to form around your doors and windows. At least once every few weeks, you should inspect all of your home’s doors and windows and seal any new openings that you find. To seal smaller cracks and pinholes, you can use high-quality caulking from a local home improvement center. For larger openings, expandable foam sprayed from an aerosol dispenser is usually a great option. It is also recommended that you check all of the screens around your vents and chimney.

Keep Moisture to a Minimum

Some pests won’t even consider nesting or reproducing in a home if they can’t find a consistent source of water. Since the outdoor water sources could be frozen, they will be desperate to find indoor leaks and standing water. That is just one of the reasons why you must inspect all of your pipes, spigots, faucets, and shower heads a few times a year. Even a slow leak could provide enough water for a large colony of insects or a family of rodents. Unless you are familiar with plumbing repairs, then leaks should probably be fixed by a certified and reputable plumber. A seemingly minor plumbing problem could quickly spiral out of control if you make any mistakes during the repairs. Many plumbers also guarantee their work, and that is going to give you peace of mind knowing that the job was done correctly.

Limit Access to Food

As you spend more time indoors, you might find that food is left around the house or the kitchen isn’t cleaned as frequently. Unfortunately, food debris could quickly attract a wide variety of critters into your home, and they will most likely reproduce if they have access to plenty of food and water. Cleaning all of the cooking surfaces in your kitchen is a great start, but you need to make sure that the food in your pantries is properly sealed as well. Some pests can get into cardboard boxes and plastic bags in a matter of minutes if they pick up the scent of food.

Inspect Any Plants That Come Into Your Home

If you are going to bring a Christmas tree or any other plants into your home during the holidays, all of the leaves, nettles, and branches should be thoroughly inspected. While most companies do a good job of keeping pests out of their trees and flowers, a few hitchhiking bugs might be left behind. Before you bring any trees or plants into your home, you might want to spend a few minutes searching for eggs, webs, or any other signs of pests. It is also a good idea to head to a Christmas tree lot that uses a tree shaker that will dislodge most rodents and insects.

Schedule Preventative Services

These tips are a great start, but you should also schedule preventative pest-control services before the winter months. We invite you to contact Colorado Pest Pros today to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members about all of our pest control services.